The Restored True Vine Redication
The True Vine in memory of Hugh Nesbitt Camp 1827-1895 Tiffany Stained Glass and Decorating Co., 1895 Restored in 2005 by The Gil Studio Rededicated March 12, 2006
March 12, 2006
The Rededication of the True Vine takes place
during the opening of the Holy Eucharist,
Bishop Vicar of New York E Don Taylor, Celebrant
The procession stops at the True Vine window
I will make your windows of agates,
and all your borders of pleasant stones.
You, O Lord, are the Vine, and we are the branches.
Those who abide in you and bear much fruit,
because apart from you we can do nothing.
Let us pray. O Lord God, the whole world is filled with the radiance of your glory: Accept our offering of this window which we now rededicate to you for the adornment of this place and the inspiration of your people. Grant that as the light shines through it in many colors, so our lives may show forth the beauty of your manifold gifts of grace; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.
Restoration of this window was made possible by a grant from the New York Landmarks Conservancy Sacred Sites Program,through funds made available by the Tiffany & Co. Foundation.
Contributors include
Viola Adams
Stephen Kola Ajasin
Sarah Applewhite
Pearline Bashford
Olga Bennett
Russell John Boney
Michaeline Branker
Walden Brown
Ira GE Butler
Sophronia G Camp
John McKesson Camp
Sadie Campbell
Raquel Swarton-Davis
Giles & Raquel Davis
Elizabeth Driscoll
Hyacinth G Edwards
Mildred R Francis
Michael Tull & Barbara Haller
Tobias S Haller BSG
The Women of Saint James
The Men of Saint James
G Oliver Koppell
Verna H Lewis
Paul Longsworth
M Carl Lunden
Eilene Marshall
Sharee A Melton
Florence Morgan
Ann D Morrison
Diamond Ojada
Victoria Okai
Georgina Sekyi
Margaret M Semancick
Monica L Stewart
James Teets BSG
A Cortney Thornhill
Otilia Thornhill
Cornelio Thornhill
Raquel Waller
Pelham & Claudette Warner
Memorial Gifts were received in memory of
Mervis Aarons
Dela Adadevoh
Joseph and Florence Ajasin
Elizabeth Yarkor Akuetteh
Allan Bashford
John Corbett
Riley (Kenneth) A Francis
Juanita Epps Garrett
William Tobias & Mary Louise Haller
Sarah Lee
Arthur Morgan
Lt Col B T Okai
John Thomas
Wilfred Warner
and in thanksgiving for the Baptisms of
Lindsey Nicole Joseph
Keith Villanueva Jr
Photos of the window throughout the restoration process.