Holy Week
Joining with millions of Christians around the world,
St. James Fordham celebrates Holy Week and Easter
One of our stained glass windows.
Holy Week Services
Maundy Thursday (joined by Fordham Lutheran)
Thursday, 03-29-18 at 6:30 pm meal, 7:15 service
Good Friday at Fordham Lutheran (2430 Walton Avenue)
Friday, 03-30-18 at 1 pm
Stations of The Cross: St. James Fordham
Friday, 03-30-18 at 2:30 pm
Easter Vigil: Christ Church, Bronxville (Service is at 7 pm)
Sat. 3-31-18 Meet at SJF at 6 pm ; returning at 9:30 pm
Easter Sunday at St. James, Fordham
Sunday 4-1-18 at 11 am
The Risen Messiah: Jesus, the Christ.